Our services

  • Help College Students with Computer Science/Technology Classes

  • Help non-major CS College Students

  • Prepare Adults with Skill Building in Technology

College Students with Tech Major

Once we receive enough interest from students, we will launch a program designed to benefit community college students. This program will simplify computer programming concepts to enhance understanding. Please complete the interest form below to participate.

Non-Tech College Majors

Once we have a sufficient number of candidates, we will offer college students a comprehensive introduction to computer programming. This training will empower you to explore and expand your opportunities in the technology field. To express your interest, please complete the form below.

white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
Adults Skill Building

If enough candidates show interest, we’ll offer foundational computer programming training for adults. This will give you a basic understanding of programming concepts and help you build skills for future growth in technology. To express your interest, please complete the form below.

white concrete building during daytime
white concrete building during daytime

Go ahead and reserve your seat...

What is taught?
  • Java

  • JavaScript

  • HTML

  • CSS

How is it taught?

Based on your need and class type offered

When does it start?

Once we have about 10 candidates in each offered class types

How much does it cost?

$90.00 per month. We believe this is affordable to us

Who is considered for this program?

Any college-going students and adults who want to gain technology skills.

Will this program prepare me to get a job?

Think this is like a school. You may not directly get a job once you complete high school. We provide a ground-level understanding of software engineering. This will prepare you for the next level of job-oriented skills. In the future, we may be able to offer job-oriented boot camps.

Do you have a curriculum to teach?

Yes, we do. We use standard books to teach coding skills. Our tutors are knowledgeable in the software industry or have at least a Bachelor's Degree from a US university. We will accommodate students of different understanding levels. Moreover, we will use our native language to teach during the class.

How many days of classes per week?

3 days an hour per day. That's equal to $7.50 per hour.

What if I cannot attend for some days?

Please attend all days. There's no make-up class. We will share the class materials through.

How long do I have to wait to start?

It shouldn't take too long. We are getting applications for at least 2 in a week.

Do I have a free trial before paying?

Yes, we offer 3 days of free intro sessions before we can charge you.

How are classes delivered?

All online. Can attend from anywhere you're. Need a computer



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